How to Build Resume for Administrative Jobs

How to Build a Resume for Administrative Jobs

This article will discuss the importance of a well-organized resume that will help the candidates land their desired administrative jobs in their careers.

When job hunting for administrative jobs, one needs to make sure to keep the resume professional, easy to scan and simple, and also as clean as possible. The organization is the core of administrative job skills. It is highly important for a person to brag about their organizational skills through their resume. White space needs to be there to guide the hiring employer’s gaze. Make headings that help navigate the contents. Make sure to keep the font simple and easy to read. When you are done, you should save your administrative assistant resume as a PDF. The PDF format keeps the layout in shape. However, check the job description to make sure what type of resume files are preferred by the company when applying.

Keep Resume Simple & Neat

It is recommended that your resume is one page but it can vary depending on the company’s requirements. For most of the administrative assistant resumes it is wise to use a reverse-chronological format. But there are better templates for career changers and admin assistants re-entering the workforce.  Here we will discuss what content should be added to your resume I order to make it stand out. Your introduction should be catchy but should also include job-relevant skills and experience that you possess. You need to explain to the employer, what skills you excel at and how you can prove yourself on the job, and why should they hire you. The employer needs to be convinced that your skills are backed by your experience. Once the employer likes your resume and contacts you, you are already halfway there to getting hired as a good resume gives an excellent first impression of the candidate.

Fill Education UpToDate

Some candidates possess no experience for Administrative Assistant jobs but are looking to build their careers in this field. This is how one should go about it.  Entry-level administrative assistant resumes could begin with describing your education and skills. “Field of Study” graduate with great communication skills, planning, multi-tasking and management skills is a good way to start. Any entry-level applicant should begin by detailing the employer on how you can excel at your admin assistant job. Even though you lack experience in the field you need to make sure that you mention the skills relevant to the job position. When you have the time, you should do an internship or volunteer at a local not-for-profit. Also, get involved in on-campus activities and clubs if you are a student. This will back your skills claim as you have successfully applied the skills you possess in your internship/volunteer opportunities.

Highlight Your Skills

In the summary, one needs to highlight their achievements and skills as an admin assistant. This will get the employer to be more interested in your resume as he will see your skills and achievements in the past go well with the job position he/she is looking to hire for. A good summary will have the hiring manager think, “He is the right person to hire for this vacancy.” Now, let’s go over how one can write a good resume for an executive assistant position, which requires one to be an experienced administrative assistant.

One needs to start by mentioning the years of experience he/she worked as an administrative assistant along with the educational background. One needs to cut to the chase in the summary, and go over the tasks, achievements, software operation, communication skills, time management skills that they proved in their previous admin jobs. Your entire resume should be focused on the executive assistant position so that it looks completely relevant to the required skills and expectations of the hiring company. The candidate clearly has the experience and she/he has delivered quantifiable results in their previous jobs. Therefore, there is no need to mention multitasking, as it’s clear the person’s well experienced in this field.

Tips to Write Your Intro

A very good tip is that you write a heading statement after you have completely finished the administrative assistant resume. This way you will know exactly what to showcase in your summary and Intro.

So far, we have gone over the importance of a resume containing info relevant to the job position and the structure of a strong resume. Now to conclude, we will discuss how you can write your experience in the best and smartest way possible on your resume by avoiding errors that a lot of applicants make on their resume. This is what the employer will heavily focus on.

  • Do not list non-critical or routine daily tasks, unless they are in the job ad.
  • Do not list responsibilities as you are an experienced admin assistant, list your achievements instead.
  • Definitely quantify your achievements whenever possible.
  • Brag about your ideas or procedure or initiative that saved time, and helped the company meet its goals.
  • Avoid using cliché words like “responsible for”, “Performed”, “managed.” Make use of action words instead to highlight your strengths. For example; “organized,” “trained,” “arranged,” or “implemented”. provides a centralized location for employers and job seekers. We update industry job trends, prospects and other vital information, from verified sources, for both Jobseekers and Employers and promote the content in multiple social media channels.

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